Therapeutic Massage Therapy at CardioFlex

Professional therapeutic massage at CardioFlex TherapyCardioFlex Therapy, founded in 2005, is a quality-centered service company offering deep tissue massage, sports massage therapy, and therapeutic massages in our rehab clinic. Since our launch, hundreds of patients have been assisted in reaching their personal and functional goals

Located inside of our brand new Outpatient Rehab Center in Davie, FL, our results have been excellent, as patients are consistently amazed at how much better they feel, and how quickly they can return to their activity of choice. Whether a patient was in an auto accident, injured at work, or suffered a sports injury, we have the expertise to treat them. By having such a versatile approach, CardioFlex is a true leader in the rehab community.

A therapeutic massage means you present to the therapist with a specific complaint, for instance, pain in your hip, tight shoulders, or a spasm in your lower back (or even all three). The therapist then follows four steps:

  1. Assess your current condition.
  2. Proposes a plan.  Once the therapist has a good idea of your condition, he can propose an approach to treatment. This might be a simple as focusing on your area of complaint.  The physical therapist might recommend a series of sessions at recommended intervals and indicate the kind of progress you can expect during that time.
  3. Perform the therapy.
  4. Evaluate the outcome. At the end of the treatment, you and the therapist review the results. Was its painless? Is there more mobility in the joint? Has your posture improved? Based on the results, the therapist can recommend additional sessions and the frequency. If you come every week, for instance, you’ll see quicker progress than if you wait two or three weeks between sessions. An evaluation will take place at the end of each session to determine the continued course of therapy.

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Terry Abrams

About the Author
Terry Abrams is the President & Director of Physical Therapy for CardioFlex Therapy, a start-up company founded in 2005 in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Delivering both Physical Therapy & Occupational Therapy, CardioFlex Therapy’s Outpatient Clinic is centrally located in Davie, FL serving the towns of Cooper City, Weston, Pembroke Pines, Plantation, Southwest Ranches, Hollywood, Miramar, Sunrise, & Fort Lauderdale. For Home Physical Therapy, CardioFlex sends its therapists to homes located in Broward, Dade, & Palm Beach counties.

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